India  is land of festivals............. 



Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.
Observances: Fasting, praying
Celebrations: Dahi Handi (next day), kite-flying, fair, fasting, traditional sweet dishes etc
Date: Monday, 30 August, 2021
Observed by: Hindus
Featured in religions: HinduismVaishnavism
Also called: Krishnashtami, SaatamAatham, Gokulashtami,, Yadukulashtami,, 
on this day ,many states of india worship lord of krishna as newly born baby.firstly ladies of home put small statue of lord krishna in Palna and swings it with a rope.
they also feed his favourite dish Makhan.these ladies sing son for lord in their local language.
but other state like maharastra ,gujarat ...people celebrate  DAHI HANDI festival on it. A earthenpot(matka) which is full of dahi and fruts is hung  at certain hight with help of rope .children of any one arrange themselves  in pyramidical form ,and reach to the matka  and brokes the mattka with help of coconut...

      in amidst of this occassion,manny times they faill to broke matka but at end they get success to break.this occassion teaches ous never quit ,debacle is just a starting of victory. having patience do your duty and never want to back.
